Talkmobile Customer Complaints Code of Practice

This code sets out how to make a complaint and your rights to refer a dispute to an alternative dispute resolution scheme.

How to get in touch

If you're not happy with our service and would like to complain, you can contact us via:

  • A Talkmobile handset: 5888
  • Other UK phone: 0333 304 8064

If you have any accessibility requirements, there are a number of ways you can contact us.

How we handle your complaint

The Help Team adviser will try to resolve it all the first time you contact us, and will involve their Team Leader if necessary.

If you’re not happy with the response you receive you may ask for the matter to be referred to a Senior Manager for further investigation. If a Senior Manager is not immediately available to take your call the Team Leader will arrange a call back from the Senior Manager and inform you of a timescale within which you will receive the call.

If you are not happy with the response you receive from the Senior Manager, they’ll pass the issue to our Customer Relations team to own. They are specialists in resolving complaints.

We’ll do everything we can to get it all resolved within 5 working days. If it takes longer, we’ll give you updates at least once a week.

If after eight weeks we still can't resolve the complaint, or we reach deadlock, you can refer the issue to the independent Alternative Dispute Resolution service provided by CISAS, the Communication and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme. Provided your complaint is in their remit, they will investigate your complaint free of charge.

You can find out more on their website at or call them on 020 7520 3814.

Alternatively you can write to:

  • CISAS, Communication and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme
  • 70 Fleet Street
  • London
  • EC4Y 1EU

You can request that your complaint goes to CISAS, Communication and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme before eight weeks, though we have the right to insist that our process is followed if we're taking steps to resolve your complaint and expect it to be resolved in a timely manner.

Referral to CISAS, Communication and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme can be refused if the complaint is resolved, malicious or outside their remit.

Copyright © 2025 Talkmobile Limited, Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN. Registered Company Number 04154716