Talkmobile services for vulnerable customers
At Talkmobile we have services available for vulnerable customers.
We describe a vulnerable person as;
- Someone who is blind or has restricted vision
- Someone who is deaf or has restricted hearing
- Someone who is managing a serious mobility problem
- Someone who is managing poor mental health
- Someone who is unable to take care of themselves
We also understand that people can experience ‘temporary’ vulnerability, for example because of bereavement, loss of income, accident or injury.
Products and Services
Talkmobile offer a range of products and services for vulnerable customers.
- Specialised bills - we offer specialised bills for vulnerable customers, free of charge and delivered to their home address. When requested, we can supply customer's bills in a format that is best for them, like large print, braille, or audio CD.
- Power of attorney - our power of attorney service is easy to apply for and our team will be able to support customers getting this service set up.
- Third party bill management - a customer can add an authorised third party to their account, who can assist in their bill management.
- Text relay - we provide customers with speech or hearing impairments access to a text relay service.
- Emergency SMS - our customers can register and use the service to SMS 999 and 112.
- 195 Directory Enquiries - we give customers with visual impairments access to 195 directory enquires so that they can get information about the numbers they need.
- 999 BSL – Emergency Video Relay Service - if you’re a British Sign Language user, you can contact the emergency services through an online interpreter.
Communicate with us the way you want
Talkmobile customers can contact us in a way that suits them. For customers who are hard of hearing, they can contact us via webchat or email. Customers can also call our helpful team of advisers.