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The PSTI Act

The requirements of the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act (PSTI) 2022 apply from 29 April 2024. 

The PSTI Act regulates most consumer connectable products - including smartphones - so users are safer from cyber harm like loss of privacy and personal data. 

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  • How does the PSTI Act affect you?

    As a consumer there’s nothing you need to do. The PSTI legislation applies to manufacturers, importers and distributors of most connectable consumer products and asks for compliance with certain security measures to make things safer for consumers.

  • Which consumer products are covered by the PSTI Act?

    The PSTI Act applies to most connectable consumer products. These are generally devices that use the internet, including:

    - Smartphones
    - Connected cameras, TVs and speakers
    - Connected children’s toys and baby monitors
    - Connected safety-related products such as smoke detectors and door locks
    - Internet of Things base stations and hubs to which multiple devices connect
    - Wearable connected fitness trackers
    - Outdoor leisure products, such as handheld connected GPS devices that are not wearables
    - Connected home automation and alarm systems
    - Connected appliances such as washing machines and fridges
    - Smart home assistants

    Please note: some products are excluded from the scope of the PSTI Act – this includes most computers, laptops and Wi-Fi only tablets.

  • What does the PSTI legislation require?

    The PSTI legislation introduces specific requirements relating to the supply of most consumer connectable products.

    Manufacturers must:

    - Ensure that any pre-installed password is unique or otherwise capable of being chosen by the user of the product.
    - Inform users as to where they can go to report security issues with their product.
    - Provide users with information regarding the minimum length of time during which their product will receive security updates.
    - Produce and ensure that each product is accompanied by a statement of compliance, which contains prescribed information.

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