Calling service numbers
Charges for calling 08, 09 and 118 numbers
Telephone numbers starting 08, 09 and 118 are used for contacting organisations or for things like TV voting and donating to charity.
For some additional information, specifically about actual costs please have a quick look below:
084, 087, 09 and 118
Usually numbers beginning with 084 or 087 are general service numbers for contacting organisations. If a number begins with 09 then it's usually a premium rate service. Those beginning with 118 are directory enquiry numbers.
The cost of calling the above numbers is split into two parts:
- The access charge is what we charge you per minute for connecting the call. The access charge for Talkmobile is 15p.
- The service charge represents the rest of the cost to you. It's set by the organisation you are calling and must be communicated clearly. You’ve probably seen examples such as ‘’Calls cost 20p per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge’’.
0800 and 0808
Numbers starting 0800 or 0808 are FREEPHONE. You will not be charged for calling these numbers from your Talkmobile phone.